Administration Guide – DocuScan – Document Management System

By | April 18, 2015
DocuScan Document Management System User Guide & Administration Guide

DocuScan Document Management System User Guide & Administration Guide

Document Management – Buy DocuScan – Administration Guide

In this User Guide we will break down each section of the DocuScan system. You will find the User Guide for the Main Page section HERE

Check out the main DocuScan Product page HERE and some more screenshots HERE


Category Maintenance DocuScan (Administration Guide)

Category Maintenance DocuScan (Administration Guide)

1) Category can be updated by adding keywords to them

2) To remove a category, simply remove all the keywords from in the category in Keyword Maintenance

3) To create a NEW Category, use the bottom section to put in the Category name and 1 Keyword to be added to it


Keyword Maintenance DocuScan (Administration Guide)

Keyword Maintenance DocuScan (Administration Guide)

1) Add/remove Keywords

Note that Keywords can be added but will not be indexed unless they are attached to a Category.

They can still be searched on but will not be highlighted, and will not use the index table.


Filetype Maintenance DocuScan (Administration Guide)

Filetype Maintenance DocuScan (Administration Guide)

1) Add/Remove Filetypes

Filetypes are your FILING CABINETS for different document types.

Use them to seperate Invoices from Mail, Incoming and Outgoing, Important and Not Important etc.


Manual Uploads DocuScan (Administration Guide)

Manual Uploads DocuScan (Administration Guide)

1) Upload a file into one of your configured Filetypes

Note that todays date will be prefixed on the start of the filename if there is not a date there already.

If you HAVE put a date at the start of the document name (CCYYMMDD) then it will be used as the DOCUMENT DATE in searches


Activity Log DocuScan (Administration Guide)

Activity Log DocuScan (Administration Guide)

1) Search ocr_log on User, File, Comment text

Check out -  Run cron job every 90 mins (minutes) - Linux Scheduling, Batch Automation, Scheduled Jobs



1) Only admin user has access to User Maintenance area

2) Configured admin user cannot be removed

3) Locked users can be unlocked from here

4) If you hover the mouse over an existing user then you will see the status, associated email address, and the last ip address to use it

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