Best Android Apps – Check some more of my favourite apps for Android – Part 2

By | June 24, 2015
XBMC / Kodi / Free TV / Free Sports / Best android apps

XBMC / Kodi / Free TV / Free Sports / Best android apps

Finding the best Android apps is not a particularly difficult task, with Google Play, Amazon, and a host of other app stores at your fingertips, the thing that annoys me sometimes is knowing WHAT it is you are looking for!!

In my first article HERE, I noted down some of the immediate apps I needed that got me going on my Minix X8-H Plus TV Box. This time Im going to mention some other apps I use regularly, some maybe obvious (its only obvious if you know about it!!), and others maybe less so.

Best Android Apps – Entertainment Apps

Kodi / XBMC

Most people still know this app as XBMC after having stormed the world with a multimedia experience that has seen it installed on pretty much every Android TV Box on the planet. It is also available for PC (and mac I believe – not sure on that one).

The latest version of XBMC has been renamed to Kodi.

Kodi is basically an environment which makes it easy for the user to view video (or audio) content. In order to watch specific content like Live TV Streams, sports events, movies etc etc there are a hundred different addons (maybe I will write an article about some of those later).

But for now the guys at Kodi have released a pre-configured version of Kodi with the most popular addons included. It is called TVMC, you can download it for Android here :

(2017-07-07) – Unfortunately tvmc is offline but find here the link to other useful alternatives you can use with XBMC / Kodi –

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It should be pretty quick to install and then you can look around and find live streams, catchup (on demand) tv, sports events, movies and more.

Skype – Video and Message calling for Android

When I first installed this my analytical head took over, and I over complicated things thinking what would be needed to get a webcam to work with it on Android. Forget about all that as it was nothing to worry about.

On the recommendation of others I purchased a Logitech C310 HD Webcam from Amazon. Here is the one I got :

Logitech C310 HD Webcam

So when you have your webcam (get the webcam FIRST as you need it plugged in BEFORE you install) you can then install Skype from this link :

The key to that is having your webcam plugged into the USB so Skype recognises you have a webcam and therefore makes it install the drivers for it.

Then you should be good to go ahead and call your friends !

All Goals – The Livescore App

In my view this is the ultimate app for viewing football (soccer if you are american) schedules, scores, goal video replays for your favourite team. It has a comprehensive list of EVERY game in the world, updated every minute as goals are scored, and has alerts/notification options for you to favourite your team to know when a game starts, when a goal is scored, the half time and full time scores etc etc. They even have a for fun betting system, chat room for individual games so you can speak to other fans from around the world.

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There are no obtrusive ads and it just WORKS !!! You can download it here :

AppGratis – A free app every day

Not an essential app that I use that much, but if you are looking for some inspiration for something new on your Android device, then this may do it for you.

It boasts a free (or 90% off regular price) app every single day. Sure most off them wont interest you, but the one day you check it and do find something useful then the app has done its job.

Is not much more to say about this really apart from you can download it here :

Shop Amazon – Gift Ideas in Video Games

Thats it for part 2 of my Best Android Apps, join me again sometime soon with more!

Also Check out my review of the Ipega 9028 gamepad HERE

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